Preschool Program Learning Goals for 3 Year Olds and 4 Year Olds

Preschool Program Learning Goals for 3 Year Olds and 4 Year Olds

Vineland Preschool Program Learning Goals for P-3

Language and Reading Readiness

• Identifies at least 6 basic colors.
• Recognizes at least 3 upper case letters.
• Recognizes first name
• Speaks in sentences and is clear enough to be understood and heard.
• Responds verbally to simple statements or questions
• Adds to a conversation by connecting the topic with his or her own experience.
• Repeats or joins in saying parts of simple rhymes
• Reads a picture book by labeling what he or she sees.
• Looks at a book front to back and turns the pages one at a time.

Math and Science

• Counts to 5
• Recognizes numbers 1-5
• Recognizes and can name two-dimensional geometric shapes ( circle, square, rectangle, triangle)
• Uses one to one correspondence up to three
• Can stack or nest three objects by size (small, medium, large).
• Can recognize and copy or extend a simple patterns (A,B,A,B)
• Can group things together into two or more collections.
• Can identify and describes a change in an object or situation. (change of colors, weather)
• Can name objects or events in the natural and physical world. (snow, moon, rock, bug)
• Can use tools to support play. (scissors, tape, buttons, computer mouse)

Social Studies

• Can identify members of family.
• Uses symbols to help retrieve or put away materials and to identify location of interest areas. (area signs and labels)
• Can anticipate the next event in a familiar sequence.
Physical Development and Health
• Walks up or down stairs with alternating feet, jumps with both feet off the ground, or gallops.
• Fits materials together or pulls them apart. (stack blocks, Duplos, pegs in pegboard, puzzles)
• Uses small muscles with moderate control. (scissors, pick up buttons off the floor)
• Names basic body parts.
• Performs personal care tasks with minimal assistance. (some help, prompts, reminders)

Social Emotional Development

• Requests adult help in resolving a conflict with another child.
• Transitions between parts of the daily routine.
• Plays and works alongside other children.
• Seeks out a familiar adult to communicate a need or asks an adult to play or share in an activity.
• Uses and names basic emotions to express himself or someone else’s emotions.

Learning Approaches

• Can say one thing he or she did soon after the event.
• Identifies a problem with materials.
• Expresses a plan with a simple sentence and then follows through.

English Language Learners

• Child imitates and /or repeats sounds, words, and phrases in English.

Vineland Preschool Program Learning Goals for P-4

Language and Reading Readiness

• Child writes first name and attempts to write last name.
• Child identifies a minimum of 15 upper and lowercase letters.
• Child uses pronouns he, she, him, her, his and hers correctly.
• Child uses a clause that starts with when, if or since in a complex sentence.
• Child retells (remembers) three or more details in a story or book.
• Child predicts what will happen next in an unfamiliar story or book.
• Child points out that two or more words rhyme.
• Child points out that two words (real or made up) start with same sound.
• Child reads three or more words in print.

Math and Science

• Counts to 20 or higher.
• Child counts (with one- to –one correspondence) more than 10 objects and says the last number counted.
• Child names a three- dimensional shape (cube, cylinder, pyramid).
• Child directly compares or order things based on measurable attributes using the word same and words with er and est endings.
• Child uses standard measurement procedures (using the same unit such as cubes, pegs, ruler, etc…)
• Represent addition and subtraction by manipulating up to 5 objects.
• Child creates his or her own (not copied) complex pattern (such as AABAABAAB or ABCABCABCABC) with at least three repeats.
• Child interprets information (data) from a list, chart, or simple graph.
Social Studies
• Child identifies similarities or differences in people’s personal characteristics.
• Child notices and comments on characteristics held in common with, or different from, other children and adults.
• Child reads a simple familiar map, such as a map of the classroom.
• Child refers to the location of familiar landmarks.
• Child uses words such as yesterday and tomorrow correctly.

Physical Development and Health

• Child coordinates own movements to strike a stationary (nonmoving) object.
• Child skips for eight or more repetitions (skips in a row).
• Child manipulates small objects with dexterity and precision.
• Child uses a tripod grasp (thumb and two fingers) to write or draw a letter, numeral, or closed figure.
• Child performs personal care tasks independently.
• Child knows how to dial 911 for help.
Social Emotional Development
• The child demonstrates self control by using appropriate words and/or actions, rather than inappropriate verbal or physical behavior.
• Child plays collaboratively with two or more children.
• Child engages in sustained personal and reciprocal conversation with a friend.
• Child acknowledges and corrects his or her behavior after doing something that may upset, hurt or inconvenience another person.
• Child negotiates a solution to a conflict with another child on his or her own (without adult help).

Learning Approaches
• Child recalls, without prompting, the sequence of three or more things he or she did or that happened.
• Child persists with one idea or tries several ideas until he or she is successful at solving a simple problem with materials.
• Child carries out their plan and sustains play for at least 20 minutes of work time.

English Language Learners

• Child uses cues in the environment to follow routines and directions.
• Child names a familiar object or action in English on his or her own and uses a common English phrase.